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Facts and Figures

This Was 2023

PRIF in the media

326interviews, op-eds and articles by and with PRIF researchers
37different researchers were represented in the media
134different media outlets and channels, 109 of them in Germany and 25 internationally

Top issues in the media

75War in Ukraine
39War in Gaza
27Security policy
21Democracy and Radicalization
21Weapon Export
8Peace research


66PRIF Blogs
51Journal Articles, 42 of them peer-reviewed
13PRIF Spotlights
7PRIF Reports
7Edited volumes
2PRIF Working Papers


25University courses
Ernst-Otto Czempiel Award

Everyday Peace: How So-Called Ordinary People Can Disrupt Violent Conflict

Roger Mac Ginty

The Ernst-Otto Czempiel Award 2023 was presented to political scientist Roger Mac Ginty. The jury honoured his monograph “Everyday Peace: How So-Called Ordinary People Can Disrupt Violent Conflict”. Mac Ginty analyzes how people in conflict zones can resist and disrupt the totalizing logic of war through everyday actions. The award ceremony took place during the PRIF annual conference.

Find more information on the annual conference in the article “Regime Competition – Cold War 2.0?” in this issue.

Publications: Highlights 2023

book cover

Contestation and norm robustness

The monograph explores how the dispute over international norms affects their validity in the context of four current case studies.

Zimmmermann, Lisbeth/Deitelhoff, Nicole/Lesch, Max/Arcudi, Antonio/Peez, Anton: International Norm Disputes: The Link Between Contestation and Norm Robustness, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

book cover

Autonomous weapons systems in international criminal law

Barry de Vries’ monograph analyzes how international criminal law deals with individual responsibility in the context of autonomous weapons systems.

de Vries, Barry: Individual Criminal Responsibility for Autonomous Weapons Systems in International Criminal Law, Brill, 2023.

book cover

Economic elites in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru

In this comparative historical analysis, Jonas Wolff and others examine how economic actors have influenced Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru since the middle of the 20th century.

Crabtree, John/Durand, Francisco/Wolff, Jonas: Business Power and the State in the Central Andes, Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2023.

book cover

Study on civil conflict transformation

Samantha Ruppel's book investigates collaborative partnerships in peace work in Kenya, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Ruppel, Samantha: Lokal verankerte Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung zwischen Partnerschaft und Machtungleichgewicht, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023.

book cover

Rule in international politics

The volume, edited by Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff and Antonia Witt, explores conceptualizations as well as characteristics and practices of domination in international politics.

Daase, Christopher/Deitelhoff, Nicole/Witt, Antonia (eds.): Rule in International Politics, Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Journal articles and chapters in edited volumes

Schwab, Regine/Pfeifer, Hanna (eds.)Politicising the Rebel Governance ParadigmSpecial Issue of Small Wars and Insurgencies, 34(1), 2023
Driedger, Jonas J.Risk Acceptance and Offensive War: The Case of Russia under the Putin RegimeContemporary Security Policy, 44(2), 2023 199–22510.1080/13523260.2023.2164974
Fehl, CarolineProtect and Punish: Norm Linkage and International Responses to Mass AtrocitiesEuropean Journal of International Relations, 29(3), 202310.1177/13540661231158548
Lesch, MaxFrom Norm Violations to Norm Development: Deviance, International Institutions, and the Torture ProhibitionInternational Studies Quarterly, 67(3), 2023, 1–1310.1093/isq/sqad04
Rahlf, LottaFrom Democratic Resistance to Hostility against a “Covid-Regime” – Conspiracy Theories as Cross-Milieu Catalysts of RadicalizationStudies in Conflict & Terrorism, 202310.1080/1057610X.2023.2169894
Lambach, Daniel/Bayer, Marcus/Bethke, Felix S./Dressler, Matteo/Duduoet, VéroniqueGewaltfreier Widerstand und demokratische KonsolidierungSpringer, 2023
Coni-Zimmer, Melanie/Deitelhoff, Nicole/Schumann, DianeThe Path of Least Resistance: Why International Institutions Maintain Dialogue ForumsInternational Affairs, 99(3), 2023, 941–96110.1093/ia/iiad032
Wolff, JonasFrom the Varieties of Democracy to the Defense of Liberal Democracy. V-Dem and the Reconstitution of Liberal Hegemony under ThreatContemporary Politics, 29(2), July 2023, 161–18110.1080/13569775.2022.2096191
Witt, Antonia/Anderl, FelixProblematising the Global in Global IRJournal of International Studies, Online First, 2023, 13–2210.1177/03058298221139330
Ben Aharon, EldadPolitical Audience and Non-Linear Securitisation: Revisiting Israel–Iran Relations and the Making of the 1979 Islamic RevolutionEuropean Journal of International Security, 8(4), 202310.1017/eis.2023.26
Baumgart-Ochse, ClaudiaIsrael‘s Religious Soft Power: Within and Beyond JudaismMandaville, Peter (Hrsg.): The Geopolitics of Religious Soft Power. How States Use Religion in Foreign Policy, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2023, 211-231
Driedger, Jonas J./Polianskii, MikhailUtility-Based Predictions of Military Escalation: Why Experts Forecasted Russia Would Not Invade UkraineContemporary Security Policy (CSP), 44(4), 2023, 544–56010.1080/13523260.2023.2259153
Weipert-Fenner, IreneSocioeconomic Reforms in Times of Political Transformation: Conflicts over the Political Economy in Egypt and Tunisia Post-2011Mediterranean Politics, 202310.1080/13629395.2023.2207428
Witt, AntoniaForging an African Union Identity: The Power of ExperienceGlobal Studies Quarterly, 3(3), 202310.1093/isagsq/ksad052
Schwab, RegineSame Same but Different? Ideological Differentiation and Intra-Jihadist Competition in the Syrian Civil WarJournal of Global Security Studies, 8(1), 2023, 1–2010.1093/jogss/ogac045

Completed Doctorates 2023

Hande Abay Gaspar with doctoral hat

Dr Hande Abay Gaspar

The dissertation “Varianz salafistischer Radikalisierungsprozesse” by Hande Abay Gaspar examines, which social and political opportunity structures can promote or slow down violent radicalization and which mechanisms are triggered in the process.

Ben Christian with doctoral hat

Dr Ben Christian

In his doctoral thesis “‚Kritik von innen‘ in Internationalen Organisationen”, Ben Christian analyzes the culture of criticism in international organizations and showed the consequences for their oppressive handling of internal dissent and their organizational stability.

Anton Peez with doctoral hat

Dr Anton Peez

The doctoral project “International Sanctions in the 21st Century: Imposition, Domestic Consequences, and Target State Capacity” of Anton Peez draws on new data, methods and a more recent timeframe to investigate the impact of economic sanctions on democracy and human rights.

Clara Süß with doctoral hat

Dr Clara Auguste Süß

In her dissertation “Radicalization of the Marginalized? Dynamics of Islamist Radicalization in Tunisia post-2011”, Clara-Auguste Süß explores the connection between violent Islamist radicalization, marginalization and democratization in post-revolutionary Tunisia.



105number of staff in 2023
28new employees

Composition by status groups/departments

5Heads of research departments
29Senior researchers/postdocs
26Doctoral students
8Non-doctoral researchers
41Associate researchers
12Visiting researchers
16Science communication
13Administration and reception
5Secretaries and advisors to Executive Director
38Student assistants

Equal opportunities at PRIF

Status groupFemaleMale
Permanent research staff77
Permanent staff in administration and science communication156
Management functions in research75
Management functions in administration and science communication12
Fixed-term research staff2924
Fixed-term staff in administration and science communication106
Doctoral students1412

Global Network

Global network: International Cooperations, visiting fellows and research stays of PRIF in 2023.

data: Natural Earth/OpenStreetMap. Max Kohler/PRIF

Our visiting fellows in 2023

Annika Björkdahl (Visiting professor)Lund UniversitySweden
Nicole Doerr (Visiting professor)University of CopenhagenDenmark
Gilbert Khadiagala (Visiting professor)University of the WitwatersrandSouth Africa
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl (Visiting professor)Leiden UniversityNetherlands
Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha (Visiting professor)Kazi Nazrul UniversityIndia
Mónica Chinchilla AdellUniversidad de NavarraSpain
Christoph HumrichUniversity of GroningenNetherlands
Alex KuehlAmerican UniversityUSA
Santiago López ÁlvarezRice UniversityUnited States
Jusaima Moaid-azm PeregrinaUniversidad de GranadaSpain
Xie PeixuanPeking UniversityChina
Zhou YiqiShanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS)China


SponsorsFunded project
Adickes Foundation via Goethe University Frankfurt/GRADEGrants for PhD students
Association of the Dioceses of GermanyArms Export Report of the Joint Conference Church and Development 2022
City of Frankfurt am MainDebattierkünstler*innen (Debate Artists)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)Elite Management and Ethnic Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)Everyday Political Subjectification and the Rise of Regressive Politics. Downward Mobility, Urbanization and the Production of Space in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)Democracy beyond Legitimate Coercion: Deadly Use of Force by the Police in the Philippines and Brazil
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)Legitimacy Policy through Dialogue Forums? Global Economic Institutions and their Critics
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)Local Perceptions of Regional Interventions: AU and ECOWAS in Burkina Faso and The Gambia
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)A New Role for NATO – Walter Benjamin post
European UnionNon-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (Subprojects E-Learning Course on Non-Proliferation, Disarmament and EU Policies and EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Internships)
European Union – Horizon EuropeVORTEX – Coping with Varieties of Radicalization into Terrorism and Extremism
Federal Foreign OfficeDoctoral program for young researchers in the areas of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation
Federal Foreign OfficeCluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research (CNTR)
Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchAfrican Non-Military Conflict Intervention Practices (ANCIP) – Special Envoys and Civil Society
Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchCompliance with and Enforcement of the Norms against CBW
Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchKURI – Configurations of Social and Political Practices in Dealing with Radical Islam
Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchRADIS – Transfer Project Social Causes and Effects of Radical Islam in Germany and Europe
Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchResearch Center Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe)
Federal Ministry of the Interior and CommunityPrEval II: Evaluation Designs for Prevention Measures
Fondation Avec et Pour AutresACONA – Arms Control Negotiation Academy
Fondation Avec et Pour AutresCoercion in Peacebuilding
German Foundation for Peace ResearchAnnual Conference 2023
German Foundation for Peace ResearchEffects and Modes of Effects of Humanitarian Military Interventions
German Foundation for Peace ResearchPeace Report 2023
Greenpeace Germany e.V.Study: Foreign and Security Policy Justifications for German Arms Exports
Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts via Goethe University FrankfurtConTrust: Trust in Conflict
Humboldt FoundationGerman Chancellor Fellowship
Leibniz AssociationDrifting Apart: International Institutions in Crisis and the Management of Dissociation Processes
Leibniz AssociationLeibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past”
Leibniz AssociationLeibniz Research Network “Environmental Crises – Crisis Environments”
Leibniz AssociationLeibniz Research Network “Integrated Earth System Research”

Organizational Chart

Board of Trustees


Angela Dorn, Hessian Minister of State for Science and the Arts
(represented permanently by State Secretary Ayse Asar)


  • Boris Rhein, Minister-President of Hesse
  • Ulrich Scharlack, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • Dr Christina Norwig, Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • Mike Josef, Mayor of the City of Frankfurt
  • Prof. Dr Enrico Schleiff, President of Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Dr Paula Macedo Weiß
  • Martin Kobler, ambassador (ret.)

Participants in the meetings in an advisory capacity:

  • Prof. Dr Tanja Börzel, Chair of PRIF's Scientific Advisory Board
  • Dr Niklas Schörnig, Chair of Research Council

Executive Board

Executive Director

Prof. Dr Nicole Deitelhoff

Deputy Director

Prof. Dr Christopher Daase

Administrative Director

Susanne Boetsch

Permanent board members

  • Dr Claudia Baumgart-Ochse (interim)
  • Dr Sabine Mannitz
  • Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff

Members elected by Research Council

  • Dr Caroline Fehl
  • Dr Dirk Peters

Head of IT

  • Lars Mausehund

Advisor to the Executive Board

  • Dr Cosima Glahn

Scientific Advisor to the Executive Director

  • Helena Hirschler

Research Council


Dr Niklas Schörnig

Vice Chairmanship

  • Dr Daniel Mullis
  • Dr Regine Schwab

Scientific Advisory Board


  • Prof. Dr Tanja Börzel, Berlin

Vice Chairmanship

  • Prof. Dr Bernhard Zangl, Munich


  • Prof. Dr Matthias Basedau, Hamburg
  • Prof. Dr Annika Björkdahl, Lund
  • Prof. Dr Benedikt Korf, Zurich
  • Prof. Dr Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Warwick
  • Prof. Dr Maria Rost Rublee, Melbourne
  • Prof. Dr Arlene Trickner, Bogotá
  • Prof. Dr Wolfgang Wagner, Amsterdam
  • Prof. Dr Daniel Ziblatt, Berlin

Research Department 1International Security


Prof. Dr Christopher Daase

RG Emerging Disruptive Technologies

Dr Niklas Schörnig (Co-Head)

EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium

  • Prof. Dr Christopher Daase (Head)
  • Dr Niklas Schörnig (Coordination)

RG Biological and Chemical Weapons Control

Dr Una Jakob (Co-Head)

Research Department 2International Institutions


Prof. Dr Nicole Deitelhoff

RG Public International Law

Prof. Dr Thilo Marauhn (Head)

Leibniz Research Network (LRN) “Environmental Crises – Crisis Environments”

Dr Stefan Kroll (Coordination)

Research Department 3Transnational Politics

Head (interim)

Dr Claudia Baumgart-Ochse

RG Terrorism

  • Prof. Dr Hanna Pfeifer (Head)

RG Radicalization

  • Dr Hande Abay Gaspar (Head)
  • Prof. Dr Julian Junk (Head)

Research Department 4Intrastate Conflict


Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff

Network “External Democracy Promotion” (EDP)

Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff (Head)

RG Regime Competition

  • Dr Irene Weipert-Fenner
  • Dr Pascal Abb (Coordination)

Research Department 5Glocal Junctions


Dr Sabine Mannitz

Junior Research Group African Intervention Politics

Dr Antonia Witt (Head)

Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past”

Dr Sabine Mannitz (PRIF-Contact Person/PI)

Science Communication


Dr Stefan Kroll

Head of Berlin Office

Dr Stefan Kroll (interim)

Head of Library

Dr Andreas Heinemann



Susanne Boetsch



  • 64,239 books, including 3,673 e-books; additional access to 40,000 more e-books. Access to over 1,300 electronic Journals in the field of Policial Science, also approximately 8,850 bound volumes of journals and over 70,000 documents of gray literature.

New acquisitions

  • New acquisitions: 555 titles in print and 596 e-books

Open Access

  • peer-reviewed journal articles in open access: 36, which means 88% could be published open access
  • 1 monograph in open access.


5,470,740Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts
37,400City of Frankfurt
5,049,653Third-party funding ca.